Made $6k from their coaching business in a little under 2 weeks.

  • Trap 2) You can't find the "right" business model to commit to and are slowly handing over the few precious years of your life to the murderous shiny object syndrome.

Bonus Trap - The Deadliest of Them All:


Continuing to make little to no progress, get discouraged, quit, and repeat all over again until the worst happens...


You become bitter, cynical, and pessimistic about growing yourself and your business (acting like it's not the only worthwhile thing to pursue.)


Know anybody like that?


They aren't fun to be around.

How Joey Turned 3 Years of Zero Progress Into $28,000 In 4 Months

How Do We Nearly Guarantee These Kinds of Results?

Entrepreneurs tend to focus on what they think will get them results. Not what's proven to get results.

  • 1) The Power Planner: Eliminate the overwhelm of your todo list and laser in on your priorities.

Join 600+ Entrepreneurs Pursuing A Better Life Inside Modern Mastery HQ

Here's a challenge and guarantee for you:


If you dedicate 10 measly minutes a day to interacting in MMHQ - you will not fail.


But here's the thing, if you can't muster up at least 1-2 hours a day to improve yourself and grow your business outside of the community...


Do. Not. Join.


We are an Inner Circle that is dedicated to living a meaningful life with work that invigorates us.


If you do not have a similar vision, this group is not for you.


If you ready to embark on this journey of betterment, fill out the form below and read the instructions on the next page carefully.

What You Don't Have To Pay For


Weekly premium content:



New courses every month:



Consulting calls or group coaching:



Full coaching & accountability:

$5000 program fee


And last but not least:

2 separate $40,000 college degrees that won't guarantee you a job and teach information you probably won't remember (just kidding... or am I?).

What You Receive

We teach the full stack.


Not just a few tactics packaged up into a course that make you feel good for buying something (but not doing anything with the information.)


From mental awareness and cognition to business principles and processes, we've got you covered.

  • Proven Processes - No more guesswork. Steal our step-by-step systems and processes for becoming a highly paid entrepreneur.

  • Lifestyle Optimization - Reprogram your brain for high performance, discover who you are meant to be in terms of your habits, biases, and behavior patterns.

  • Community - Surround yourself with entrepreneurs on the same journey as you. Make friends, form business partnerships, and network.

  • Expert Mentorship - No matter what you are learning, you will always have questions. Get access to real experts in our Discord group and Roundtables.

$4.97 for your first month

Then $9.97/month

to receive trainings, articles, challenges, personalized help, and more that would normally cost you $500+ per month.


Cancel at anytime.

Fill out the form below and follow the next steps carefully.

Join 600+ Entrepreneurs Pursuing A Better Life Inside Modern Mastery HQ

Here's a challenge and guarantee for you:


If you dedicate 10 measly minutes a day to interacting in MMHQ - you will not fail.


But here's the thing, if you can't muster up at least 1-2 hours a day to improve yourself and grow your business outside of the community...


Do. Not. Join.


We are an Inner Circle that is dedicated to living a meaningful life with work that invigorates us.


If you do not have a similar vision, this group is not for you.


If you ready to embark on this journey of betterment, fill out the form below and read the instructions on the next page carefully.

What You Don't Have To Pay For


Weekly premium content:



New courses every month:



Consulting calls or group coaching:



Full coaching & accountability:

$5000 program fee


And last but not least:

2 separate $40,000 college degrees that won't guarantee you a job and teach information you probably won't remember (just kidding... or am I?).

What You Receive

We teach the full stack.


Not just a few tactics packaged up into a course that make you feel good for buying something (but not doing anything with the information.)


From mental awareness and cognition to business principles and processes, we've got you covered.

  • Proven Processes - No more guesswork. Steal our step-by-step systems and processes for becoming a highly paid entrepreneur.

  • Lifestyle Optimization - Reprogram your brain for high performance, discover who you are meant to be in terms of your habits, biases, and behavior patterns.

  • Community - Surround yourself with entrepreneurs on the same journey as you. Make friends, form business partnerships, and network.

  • Expert Mentorship - No matter what you are learning, you will always have questions. Get access to real experts in our Discord group and Roundtables.

Ready to get started? (Without spending your hard earned cash on cookie cutter information?)


Your Investment Today:


Build Yourself. Build Your Business. Join The New 1%.

Want To Save 15% 30% When You Sign Up For A Year?

Or checkout with the form above for $4.97

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Simple Cancellation

Cancel on your own at any time.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer refunds?

How do I make the most of my monthly subscription?

How do I cancel?

Will my monthly rate stay the same?

I am not interested in one of the topics, will I still get value?

Is this for absolute beginners?

Endorsements From Colleagues & Clients

I used to make $250/month. That's nothing. After his advice I went from $250 to $8k/month. Now I'm at $10k. I don't see a reason why I can't take this to $20-30k/month.

JK Molina

6 Figure Ghostwriter

MMHQ is awesome. Dan gave me early access and I was impressed by the content that was already in it. Previously, Dan has helped me turn my passion for psychology and neuroscience into a 6 figure coaching business.

Joey Doughty

Psychological Performance Coach

Dan really stood out to me as someone who knew what he was talking about and somebody that I could trust. He helped me clarify my vision, offer and direction.

Andy Strohm

Sales Coach With Over $70 Million In Sales

A wealth of information when it comes to accelerating your progress with online business and balancing your physical + mental well-being. I know that you are going to get an absurd amount of value out of this.

Justin C. Scott

Coach & Consultant

From A Broke College Student To A Multi Six Figure Business Owner On Social Media

"Who are you exactly?"


What’s up, I’m Dan Koe.


In my teenage years I got lucky.


My friends and family showed me the life I didn't want to live.


  • Trapped in an office for 8 hours a day (not to mention an extra 2 from rush hour traffic)
  • Gaining weight and being angry all the time
  • Not questioning anything that they were told


It scared the sh*t out of me.


I KNEW that I would have to work for myself - not be a slave to the corporate machine - if I wanted to make the most of life.


And that’s exactly what I did.


I disappeared.


Lost touch with good friends.


Sat in my room learning any and every skill.


I did everything I could to make it work.


Yet, I failed an extraordinary amount of times (I can think of 7 off the top of my head).


I tried dropshipping, facebook ads, SEO, digital art, 2 ecom brands, coding, and more.


Lost 10’s of thousands of dollars.


Battled with my own mind for months on end.


I would lay in bed thinking about how I would be stuck in my same financial position for life, doomed.


When finally, I decided to focus on a 3 things.


The right habits, network, and the skills I had.


I built a 6 figure freelancing business.


I now have the framework for making any business idea profitable.


I am here to share that with you.


But that's not the end of the story...

I Lost Sight Of What Actually Matters


Most entrepreneurs are not working on the tasks that directly result in more revenue.


Posting endlessly on social media does not directly impact revenue.


"1% better every day" is a common saying, but it's 100% true.


If your life and business are not making consistent progress every day, you are stalled.


As they say... your network is your networth. Relying on friends, partners, and family isn't enough.


You need direct access to people that have achieved what you want to achieve.


As much as you think you can outrun human nature, you can't.


There's a reason coaching and accountability cost 10's of thousands of dollars. It gets results.

  • The Mastery Hub

     Real-time discussion for personalized answers that courses and free information don't provide.


     Seamlessly form the habits of 6-7 figure earners with minimal time invested on our platform (you've got a business to run!)


     Join a network of ambitious and motivated individuals that you can mastermind with. People that actually support you and your vision.

  • 30 Day Mastery Challenges

     Dedicate yourself to a 30 day "sprint" on one of the 7 Key Focus Areas to jump miles ahead of your competition.


     Leverage accountability to make exponential progress in your life and business.


    You can join in on the current challenge as soon as you join.

  •  Get expert insights on one lever-moving subject in a live call format.


     Get personalized help from people that have accomplished what you want to do.


    Keep in mind: Consultants normally cost ~$300 an hour.

  • Action Articles

     Steal my processes and systems for running a 6 figure client and digital product business.


     Deep and actionable insights that will help you bust through stalls related to personal growth, landing clients, optimizing your funnel, and growing on social media.


    A Sneak Peek At Some of Our Favorites


     The Simplified Product Launch Guide


    I teach you how to have a 5 figure product launch on social media.


     The $5K Fast Track


    For beginners that struggle to take action on their business ideas. This gives you a roadmap to making your first $5K online.


     The $10K Sales Script


    Steal my sales framework that has helped myself and members consistently close $5K to $10K clients as a freelancer, coach, or consultant.


     The DM Seduction Script


    How to seamlessly get high paying clients from DM to a phone call with you.

    These are 4 articles out of dozens that contain strategies, processes, and systems that can make you over $100K in your lifetime as an entrepreneur.

  • Mastery Trainings

  • Monthly Goal & Growth Tracking

     Write out your vision and reverse engineer it into daily actionable tasks.


     Reflect on how last month went and set new goals to ensure forward progress.


    Everything above is systemized in a fashion where you will not have to spend more than 10-20 minutes per day inside Modern Mastery HQ (because we know you have a life).


    You get more personalized and actionable information with less time spent trying to find it.

  • The One Percent Club

    We have one main message - to Join The New 1%.


    How do we do that? By getting 1% better everyday in mind, body, spirit, and business.


    With time and consistency, this will put you into the new 1% filled with fulfilled and free individuals.


     Everyday you will check in with how you improved by 1%.


     You will see others doing the same, naturally motivating you to do the same.

The Real Definition Of "Living Life To Its Fullest"

"Live life to its fullest" sounds like some travel Instagram cliche.


What it really means, is acting in alignment with the person you want to become.


Becoming self-paid through online entrepreneurship.


Becoming self-reliant through psychological reprogramming, physical training, and spiritual practices.




Ignoring everything we've talked about so far.


Going down the same path you've been on.


Trying to make progress, but getting sidetracked by meaningless activities.


Now is your time to choose.


Join us on the path of becoming fulfilled and free, or try to figure out the game of life on your own (because your friends sure as hell won't help you get there).


Join Modern Mastery HQ below for less than a Netflix subscription (but with exponentially more value).

Join Today For $4.97

Then $9.97/month

Cancel at anytime.

100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!

No Skills? No Problem.

I'm sure you are wondering... "What if I DON'T have any skills, expertise, or interests?


Well... that's the entire point of this group.


To give you trainings and premium content that will teach you the skills you need to thrive as a social media business.


You can take the information we give you, help someone else with it, get them results (social proof/experience), and create a business out of it.


It really is that simple.

A Social Platform Without The Noise, Surface Level Advice, or Toxic Negativity.

Ever been on Twitter?


What a shit show, right?


All you see is:


  • Crappy products shoved in your face
  • Self deprecating memes that make it seem like mediocrity is OK
  • Surface level advice because all of the good information costs money
  • A TON of different ideas thrown your way, how are you going to pick and commit to ONE?


It has gotten out of hand.




Imagine a platform dedicated to the exact opposite of this.


  • Elite level insights (nothing held back)
  • People that lift you up instead of drag you down
  • A heavy focus on topics that will actually make you money, bulletproof your mindset, and move you closer to bliss.
  • Direct access to successful online business owners, relationship counselors, fitness coaches, psychology buffs, and spiritual advisors


Sounds like the perfect way to put your head down, block out the noise from society, and focus on the most important thing - YOU.

Still Here?

I'm not sure what to say...


I thought I would be able to convince you by now!


So, this is my last effort.


Let me walk you through a mental practice that I try to do every morning.


Take a deep breath.


Imagine yourself 10 years from now.


What is going to happen if you keep up with the habits you currently have?


Will you be better or worse?


If you think you will be worse... well, I think you know what you need to do (it involves clicking the button below).


If you think you will be better... how much better?


If we worked together, could we hit your 10 year goal in 5 years? What if we hit it in 1 year?


That is the power of community, focus, and actionable knowledge.


The choice is in your hands.

Join Today For $4.97

Then $9.97/month

Cancel at anytime.

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